Does your Firm do insolvencies in respect of individuals and Companies?
Yes we do. We suggest however that you contact us to discuss this option more fully.
Are there any upfront fees payable?
Some Debt Counsellors request from you, your first instalment as an upfront fee when you complete an Application Form for debt counselling. This is unlawful. Your Debt Counsellor is only entitled [...]
I am being harassed by my Credit Providers. Will this stop immediately after I apply for debt counselling?
Immediately you apply for Debt Counselling with us, we will notify your Credit Providers within 48 hours. The telephone calls and threats of legal action will stop.
For how long will I be under debt counselling?
On average 5 years , if you have no Bond. Each client however , will be treated according to the amount of disposable income he has available to pay off his various accounts. We endeavour to [...]
What is the difference between an Administration Order & Debt Counselling?
Administration Orders apply to Consumers whose total debt does not exceed R50 000-00. It would therefore not cover for example your motor vehicle and bond instalment. Payment is over a much [...]
Why does my debt review application have to go to court?
The Debt Review process is a legal process governed by the provisions of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005. When your matter goes before a Magistrate you obtain a Court Order. Your Credit [...]
Once I settle my accounts, will I be able to buy on credit again?
Yes certainly. Your Debt Counsellor is duty bound to issue you with a Clearance Certificate once all of your accounts have been settled in full. No Credit Provider thereafter can refuse your [...]
Will my employer and work colleagues find out that I have applied for debt review?
Your Debt Counselling application is treated with the utmost confidentiality. We do not contact your employer nor do we advertise your name in the newspapers.